October 16 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Oct. 15 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Oct. 17
Fixed commemorations
All fixed commemorations below are observed on October 29 by Old Calendarists
- Martyr Longinus the Centurion who stood at the Cross of the Lord (1st century)
- Martyrs Isaurus and Aphrodisius, who suffered with St. Longinus (1st c.)
- St. Malus the hermit
- St. Eupraxia, abbess, before tonsure Princess Euphrosyne of Pskov (1243)
- St. Longinus the gate-keeper of the Kiev Caves (13th - 14th c.)
- St. Longinus of Yarenga (Solovki) (1544-45)
- St. Gall, Enlightener of Switzerland (ca. 646)
- St. Sabinus, monk
- St. Domna, fool-for-Christ of Tomsk (1872)
Other commemorations
Repose of Patriarch Adrian of Moscow (1700) and Abbot Neonil of Neamts, Romania (1853).